Stained Ceramic Tiled Shower Cubicle Refresh in Edinburgh

Keeping the tile and grout in shower cubicles clean is often a headache for homeowners and this cubicle at a house in Edinburgh was certainly no different. You can see from the photograph below that although the glazed ceramic tiles were in good condition they were being made to look grubby by the stained condition of the adjacent grout and there were also signs of mould build-up. If you catch this early you can overcome the problem spraying on a product called Tile Doctor Mould-Away however in this case a full refresh was required.

Shower Renovation Before Cleaning

Cleaning Ceramic Tile and Grout

We started by spraying the tile and grout down with Tile Doctor which is a strong alkaline cleaner Pro-Clean, spraying it on mixes it with helping it to stick to Vertical surfaces where it can get to work on the dirt. We left it to dwell for ten minutes before scrubbing it in by hand using a stiff grout brush; this process certainly improved the grout but unfortunately it had become too badly stained to be satisfactory so it was agreed with the owner that we would recolour the grout using a white grout colourant.

Recolouring Grout

The grout colourant comes in a tube and is very straightforward to apply although I must admit the work is quite tedious. Two coats of white colourant were required to get the uniform appearance needed and I think you will agree the effect is quite transforming. The other advantage of these particular colourant products is that they are epoxy based and form a barrier of the grout preventing future staining and making it very easy to clean going forward.

Shower Renovation After Cleaning
The last step was to carefully remove the existing silicon strip along the base of the cubicle with a sharp nice and replace with new. The final result was a shower cubicle that looked recently installed.

Refreshing a Ceramic Tiled Shower Cubicle in Edinburgh

1 thought on “Stained Ceramic Tiled Shower Cubicle Refresh in Edinburgh”

  1. I find to get the best results from Mould Away you need to leave it on overnight and then give it a good scrub and then keep on re-applying until the grout and silicone look fresh, failing that Grout Colouring is your only option short or scraping out the grout and replacing it.

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